• SESO graduates develop their knowledge and abilities in a well-rounded curriculum, which stresses challenging content and thought in the core areas of language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science.

• SESO graduates develop their listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing skills at a first language level both in English and Spanish.

• SESO graduates who enrolled with limited proficiency in Spanish develop their skills in second language programs with the opportunity to attain a level of proficiency necessary to function adequately in a first language setting.

• SESO graduates demonstrate their global awareness through interaction with persons and ideas from other cultures and participation in activities that stress tolerance for different attitudes and values.

• SESO graduates develop habits of action that are fundamental to responsible citizenship and employment as they practice honesty, fairness, compassion, self-discipline, and personal integrity in daily interactions and service to the school and community.

• SESO graduates use inquiry, collaboration with others, and self-management techniques as strategies for productive learning and work habits.

• SESO graduates can maintain their physical, social, and mental wellbeing by choosing activities and behaviors that support healthy lifestyles and relationships.

• SESO graduates have the tools and knowledge to excel in a wide variety of competitive college environments.

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